Frequently Asked Questions

  • Our opening hours are:

    Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5.00pm

    Saturday 8.30am to 12.00pm

    Sunday & Public Holidays CLOSED

    Collie River Valley Medical Centre (CRVMC) is a purpose-built modern surgery located at 24-28 Harvey Street, Collie.

    The practice may be entered either from Harvey Street or Collie Central car park. There is plenty of parking with a drop off and collection bay at the Harvey Street entrance.

  • Booking can be made through our website, the Hotdoc app or by calling our reception staff on 9734 4111.

    A standard appointment is 15 minutes. If you have several issues to discuss with the doctor, please let the receptionist know so an extended appointment can be booked.

    For your convenience, an SMS reminder will be sent to your mobile phone to remind you of your appointment on the day prior.

  • Yes, we do cater for urgent medical problems to be seen without a booked appointment, and we provide a designated on-call doctor for this purpose Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5.00pm, as well as Saturday 8.30am to 12.00pm. All patients requiring this service are first seen by our practice nurse to triage the priority.

    Please note that the walk-in appointments are meant for patients that require urgent care. If you need a repeat prescription, please book an appointment online or by calling our reception staff on 9734 4111.

  • If you are unable to attend your booked appointment, please inform the reception staff on 9734 4111 as soon as possible so that the practice is able to utilise that appointment slot.

    As appointments are at a premium, failure to cancel at least one hour prior to your appointment time will incur a cancellation charge.

  • If you have tests done, please book a follow-up appointment after your doctor's appointment at our reception desk.

    Alternatively, you can book an appointment online through our website, Hotdoc or by calling our reception staff on 9734 4111.

  • Collie River Valley Medical Centre is a private billing practice. The fee may vary depending on the complexity of the services provided and the length of consultation.

    Our current fee schedule can be found here.

    CRVMC bulk bills routine appointments for any patients who are:

    • Aged or disability pensioners

    • Centrelink card holders under 16 years of age

    • Veterans’ Affairs patients

    Healthcare card holders 16 years and older will be charged a reduced consultation fee.

    Additional fees are charged for scripts and referrals when not written during a consultation.

    Appointments for the on-call doctor may attract a higher fee than a routine booked appointment, even if you are an aged pensioner or have a Centrelink card, if deemed non-urgent. Please be aware that Saturday morning appointments are not bulk billed.

    Each doctor reserves the right to vary fees at their own discretion.

  • We do require payment for services in full on the day of your visit. Payment can be made by cash, credit card or debit card (a small surcharge applies to all card payments). 

    For your convenience, we offer the Medicare Easyclaim service, which allows us to process your refund from Medicare instantly.

  • To get a repeat script, you can book an appointment online through our website, the Hotdoc app or by calling our reception staff on 9734 4111.

    Please book your script appointment well in advance, as all doctors are usually booked up at least two weeks ahead.

    Please do not rely on the on-call doctor to renew your script as the walk-in appointments should be reserved for patients with urgent medical needs.

    If you have been our regular patient for more than 12 months and recently been seen by your GP, you may be able to obtain a repeat script online through our Hotdoc booking page. This service is for non-urgent requests. Online scripts are issued at your doctor's discretion. If your request is declined, you will need to book an appointment to see your doctor.

  • While all attempts are made by our practice to contact patients regarding test results, unfortunately, this is not always possible.

    To obtain your test results by telephone, contact the practice on 9734 4111 and ask to speak with the practice nurse. Your doctor will leave a brief message with her, and may ask you to make a further appointment to discuss the results.

    If you have questions or require more details regarding your results, you will need to make an appointment with your doctor. This will allow the doctor to explain the results in full and start any required treatment.

  • No. When the practice is closed, please ring 0418 922 237 for the on-call doctor or go directly to the Emergency Department at Collie District Hospital. The hospital emergency nurse will assess your medical problem and then phone the on-call doctor if required.

    CRVMC’s after-hours phone is for urgent attention only. For routine appointments or enquiries, please phone 9734 4111 during our normal business hours.

  • Yes. If you have been our patient for more than 12 months, you can book a phone consultation with your GP.

  • In the case of an emergency, please call 000 for an ambulance or go to the Emergency Department at Collie District Hospital for immediate help.

  • If you have any feedback, please feel free to talk to your doctor or complete a form and place it in the locked suggestion box in the waiting room.

    Any further unresolved issues should be put in writing and addressed to:

    • Practice Manager
      24 Harvey Street
      COLLIE WA 6225

    However, you may feel you wish to discuss the complaint with an independent agency:

    • Health and Disability Services Complaints Office
      GPO Box B61
      Perth WA 6838

  • CRVMC is committed to best practice in relation to the management of information we collect.  This practice has developed a policy to protect patient privacy in compliance with the Privacy Act 1988.


    This means that we will collect information that is necessary to properly advise and treat you. Such information may include the following:

    • Contact details- phone numbers, address, email

    • Date of birth

    • Next of kin details / emergency contact person

    • Ethnicity and country of birth

    • Medicare / Individual Healthcare Identifier / Private Health Fund details

    • Full medical history

    • Family medical history

    • Genetic information

    • Billing / Account details

    This information will be collected directly from you. There may be occasions where we will need to obtain information from other sources, such as:

    • Other medical practitioners, former GP’s and specialists

    • Other health care providers, such as physiotherapists, occupational therapists, psychologists, pharmacists, dentists and nurses.

    • Hospital and Day Surgery Units

    • E-Health record (Personally Controlled Electronic Health Record)

    Practice staff and the medical practitioners may participate in the collection of this information which will be securely filed on your individual electronic patient file.

    Consent to obtain information from relatives or other sources, is not required in emergency situations, where we are unable to obtain your prior express consent.

    By law, health care providers are able to collect personal information prior to your consent when they reasonably believe that it is necessary to lessen or prevent serious threat to your life, health or safety or the general public’s health and safety.


    With your consent, the practice staff will use your information for purposes such as:

    • Account keeping and billing

    • Referral to another medical practitioner or health care provider

    • Sending of specimens, such as blood samples or pap smears for analysis

    • Referral to a hospital for treatment or advice

    • Advice on treatment options

    • The management of our practice

    • Quality assurance, practice accreditation and complaint handling

    • To meet our obligations of notification to our medical defence organisations or insurers

    • To prevent or lessen a serious threat to an individual’s life, health or safety or to the general public’s safety

    • Where legally required to do so, such as providing records to court, mandatory reporting of child abuse or the notification of diagnosis of certain communicable diseases; and

    • Teaching of medical students and General Practice Registrars.

    Patient’s information will not be disclosed to recipients overseas.


    You are entitled to access your own health records at any time convenient to both yourself and the practice. Access can be denied where;

    • To provide access would create a serious threat to life, health or safety of an individual or another person.

    • A serious threat to public health or safety

    • There is a legal impingement to access

    • The access would unreasonably impact on the privacy of another

    • Your request is frivolous

    • The information relates to anticipated or actual legal proceedings and you would not be entitled to access the information in those proceedings; and

    • In the interests of national security.

    At CRVMC, we ask that your request be in writing. We may impose a charge for photocopying or for staff time involved in processing your request. Where you dispute the accuracy of the information we have recorded, you are entitled to correct that information. It is our practice policy that we take all steps to record all of your corrections, and place them with your file, but we will not erase the original record.

    CRVMC will advise in writing if access to your medical record is refused and the reasons for the refusal along with the mechanisms available to complain about the refusal.


    Complaints regarding privacy breaches are serious and need to be made in writing addressed to:

    The Practice Manager
    24 Harvey Street
    COLLIE WA 6225

    If you are not satisfied with your response, you may refer the complaint to the Australian Government- Office of the Australian Information Commissioner in the following ways:


    By Phone:                   1300 363 992


    Post:                           Sydney Office, GPO Box 5218 SYDNEY, NSW 2001

Still have questions?

Call us on 9734 4111