
Maternity Care and Support

CRVMC has a long and proud association with obstetric care in Collie. At present, we have two doctors providing obstetric services including labour and hospital-based care.

Dr Peter Wutchak has been practising obstetrics in the area for over 20 years and he is also anaesthetically trained which allows him to provide epidural based pain relief options.

Dr Jeff Kallawk has over 5 years of obstetric experience and is trained in performing Caesarean sections.

Both Dr Wutchak and Dr Kallawk are able to provide antenatal care and obstetric management to low risk patients. As our patient, you will be able to discuss your labour options, including normal vaginal deliveries and caesarean sections.

Collie is a part of the South West health system and we have a strong association with Bunbury based specialist obstetricians. We are a low to low-medium level care service. All medium to high risk cases will need to be managed through the Bunbury high risk clinic.

For further enquiries in regard to obstetric care, please contact us on 9734 4111.

Midwifery Clinic

Our practice nurse Kelly Bucktin has over 15 years of experience as a registered nurse and endorsed midwife. Kelly’s passion is midwifery and is available for all your antenatal and postnatal care including:

  • Ordering tests and ultrasounds relating to pregnancy

  • Prescribing medications

  • Referring patients to specialist obstetricians or paediatricians as needed

Appointments with Kelly are bulk-billed. Please call our reception staff on 9734 411 to book an appointment with Kelly.

The midwifery clinic runs on Thursdays from 8.30am to 1.30pm.