Telehealth Appointment from the Comfort of Your Home
At CRVMC, we offer phone consultations to patients who are not able to travel to the practice for a face-to-face appointment. This service allows you to have an appointment with your doctor from the comfort of your home. Please book a phone consultation with your doctor if any of the following applies to you:
You are self-isolating due to a contagious respiratory disease.
You just need a repeat script for a stable condition
Routine chronic disease management (only for patients with stable conditions)
Getting a referral letter
Please note that in many cases, a face-to-face appointment at our practice is necessary. Your doctor may need to conduct a physical examination depending on your health concerns.
Telehealth consultation allows patients in regional Australia easier access to specialists without the time and expense of travelling. We offer a telehealth service that connects you to specialists in Perth. Teleconferencing can be organised in a designated consulting room with a practice nurse in attendance to assist with the consult. Please discuss this option with our Nurse Manager, Jenny Swan, for availability of this service for your specialist appointments.
Our telehealth and phone consultation services are only available to those who have been our regular patients for over 12 months.